Hi, Welcome to XenosScape, My names Andre creator of XenosScape, director, customer services totally independent as the current owner/lone employee.
unlike other Painting commission services we also stock TCG's & accessories.
Based In Boston Lincolnshire as an Online Retailer, With Our own Web store managed by myself.
As you are here, our end Goal is to Open a store Location for Card game & tabletop hobbyists a place to Acquire their wares , Organise community events and organise Tournaments and Being under the Wing of the Local council business Course start up program Hopefully soon you'll See Our Physical Up and running!
My Aim for the Store is to be based on a Board game & TCG cafe model with some amusements Retro+Mane arcade Machines to go along with the Official Events sponsorship and TCG Regular events with Promo Packs.
In the wonderful worlds that can be created by science fiction and imagination, brings War gaming & Tabletop to a whole new level.
Our suppliers
Pick up deliveries by appointment only.
1pm-7pm Monday - Saturday
facebook : Xenosscape
Instagram : @xenosscape
Tel: 07881286468