Magic The Gatherings: Innistrad Midnight Hunt Draft Boosters
Innistrad is based on 17th-18th Century lore from Eastern Europe and Germany, Mythology of Werewolfs and Goth Fiction.
The plane is primarily populated by Humans but these live in fear of a number of classical creatures of horror and regularly fall prey to Zombies, Werewolves, Vampires or Ghosts. Further, Demons are becoming an ever-growing threat.
Magic The Gathering : Innistrad Midnight Hunt Draft Boosters
- Each booster contains
- 1 Rare or Mythic rare.
- 1 Mystical Archive card (uncommon, rare, or mythic rare)
- 1 Lesson card (common, rare, or mythic rare)
- 3 Uncommons.
- 9 Commons.
- 1 Common card replaced by a foil card of any rarity* in 1 out of 3 boosters.
- unique Lands only in this Set
- Werewolves, humans, zombies, vampires
- Daybound/night bound Mechanic